Friday, 28 February 2025

How to Find Talented Book Cover Designers UK?

Do the trending book covers inspire you as a reader and a writer? As an author, who opts for self publishing on Amazon and elsewhere, you must always have a keenness to know about the trending book cover designs luring readers to pick the book from the shelves and buy it. Period!

After so much of the rigorous hard work of writing and publishing the book, all that you can expect is to bring it more to the target audience that will be interested in buying it. The most interesting part is today, according to a survey, most readers are driven by the cover designs of any book they read or buy whether online or from a bookstore, despite considering the writer, publishing house, content, characters and whatever. Therefore, when it comes to finding and appointing a book cover designer for Amazon Kindle direct publishing after the editing is done- then make sure that this person is carrying the Chalice of hope for you by creating a jaw-dropping cover design for your new book.

Here are some ideas to find the most talented book cover designers in the UK—

Join the book clubs

You can learn about some of the crazy talented book cover designers UK, at the book clubs, whether online or offline. And when we are talking about the United Kingdom, then this land has been the harbinger of English literature, so you can be pretty sure to connect with some of the immensely talented cover designers from book clubs, where as a writer, you often share blurbs for feedback before publishing.

Tab on Social Media

Social media channels are there to help you find uniquely talented book cover designers, whether already famous or not. You need a focused designer with some fresh ideas on the genre for designing the book you are about to publish.

Follow YouTube Channels

Explore YouTube to find a couple of cover designers showcasing their works so far and are interested in working on interesting projects.

Consult self-publishing agencies

Despite book editing and finalizing the book layout format, the self-publishing agency can help you connect with a talented book cover designer.

Reference from a close friend

Get a reference from a close friend or a colleague who has hired a designer recently to create cover designs for their books.

Approach a cover designer directly

Finally, you can directly approach any designer or agency if any of their recent creations on a book has blown your mind.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

How Writers Find Their Characters & Create Gripping Plots?

There is a saying that cinema and books create a direct impact on individuals and society and they are highly influenced by the characters. As a matter of fact, in reality, it is exactly the opposite because writers take the characters straight from our society and events happening in our everyday lives to create the masterpieces that they depict on the silver screen or in books. As an aspiring writer, if you are also seeking ideas to collect for crafting memorable characters then, follow some ideas that ace writers often share. After you complete the manuscript and share it with a self-publishing company they can convert it into a book or an eBook and wait for the readers’ response about your fresh publication.

Some ideas about how writers find their characters and create gripping plots—

Become a good observer & listener

Even the professional who performs the book cover design for the new publications keeps a close connection with what is happening outside the walls and inside. Keep updated about recent events, and remarkable or significant individuals whether in the political scenario or family- you can learn a lot about human psychology.

Read others’ works as much as possible from classics to contemporary

Despite reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Nietzsche, or Nabokov to under human psychology, you can also open your mind, eyes, and ears to become a good observer. Every people passing by you, and every event happening in front of you can inspire you to tell a story.

Even the animal world has an immense contribution to developing gripping plots. Read The Fly, Ox or Animal Farm, an instant of the finest form of political satirical. If your storytelling compels you to add some illustrations on some pages, don’t hesitate to hire an illustrator for the finest outcome.

Define some real-life characters & events that have influenced you or left a deep mark on you

Writers learn a lot from the real-life characters they have in their lives or meet every day leaving a deep mark inside them. You can also discuss it with the book cover creator if you are intrigued to add some references of such images as illustrations on your book cover to offer a glimpse of the story inside.

Following trends is necessary for plot development. Sometimes slipping into the shoes of contemporary artists to craft your art is beneficial for your business and connects with the interested readers.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Why Opt for Self-Publishing? Is It Only for Creative Independence or Something More?

 Authors today have an incredible opportunity to spread their wings for fulfilling their dreams to publish their books despite the willingness or approval of any publishers with self publishing London or elsewhere. Though celebrated publishers keep their doors open for many debutant writers, a few prove their shining luck with it and the others receive rejection because of which their broken souls often de-motivate them from writing further or they mostly have to deal with creative setbacks followed by depression.

If you are smart enough to go with the flow like any successful author these days, despite trying your luck with established publishers, keep your rooms open for Studio 24 UK for self-publishing. You will enjoy more freedom in maintaining your rights and creative independence even though you have to make the initial investments, unlike published writers with traditional publishers.

Now, here are some reasons explained why to opt for self-publishing

  • You must have heard that even the mighty author Stephen King also self-publishes! Today, many celebrated writers are self-publishing only to enjoy more creative independence and have complete control of the rights of their books. As a budding writer, you might have a desire to get your book published. However, if you are not ready to work with the celebrated publishers and wish to invest in self publishing to enjoy the creative freedom and to have 100% rights to the content, then visit Maple Publishers, a celebrated studio encouraging new writers besides published authors to publish their books.
  • Though the self-publishing agency you are working with provides talented and dynamic book cover designers for creating creative book cover for your new book, you have the privilege to finalise the copy created by any of your favourite designers.
  • In this lieu, you can work together with the cover designer and suggest a professional with some of your ideas. Today, the maximum number of readers buy books after they are driven by the covers. It sounds weird but this is how the marketing surveys demonstrate the current scenarios. In similar provisions, avail of the premium book illustration services if the book is a comic or a manga. Children’s book writers mostly need illustration services.
  • Enjoy total control of the royalties even if you are selling the eBook versions of your book on Amazon or any other platform. Later on, if the book becomes a bestseller and any publisher shows interest in buying rights then you can smartly negotiate the rights with them or with movie makers.

Friday, 6 December 2024

Why Writers Take the Risk of Amazon Self Publishing? Some Reasons Explained

 Competition is now being witnessed in every sector. The publishing industry is also not away from the cutthroat competition where the publishers only select those writers who are already bestsellers or the new ones with an outstanding stories or even any non-fiction content for publishing. Today, many creative persons are not at all enthralled about whether their manuscript is selected by any prolific publisher or not. Instead, they are more focused on teaming up with a self-publishing agency like White Magic Studios offering the one-stop Amazon self publishing services at quite an affordable investment.

Here are some reasons explained why writers are ready to take the risk of Amazon Self-Publishing—

The opportunity to publish a book without much ado

Despite approaching the traditional publishers, many writers, whether new or bestselling are becoming dexterous to choose Kindle Direct Publishing UK rather than waiting for anyone’s approval to take out their book to the limelight with their name tag on it. As a matter of fact, getting a book published by a reputed publisher is a dream come true to writers, however, that time is now gone when many mindboggling manuscripts have confronted rejection for being way too advanced for their times.

Having total control of the book

Enjoy total control of your book publishing from finalizing the book cover design to the layout design and even the illustrations. Usually, in usual norms, the publishers intervene without the author’s appreciation as they print the book under their name. However, as an independent self-publishing author, enjoy the liberty and bag the royalties you earn from the online or offline platforms.

Gain more with a minimum investment

Of course, self publishing demands an initial investment and writers have to arrange the amount they need from hiring a self-publishing agency to publishing the book. They need strategic planning for that and often it’s the self-publishing agency that offers complete guidance to the writers whether debutants or bestsellers with a thorough cost estimation.

Start with eBook publishing

You can start with eBook publishing on Amazon and even Google Play Store with the expectation to leverage your readers’ strength then gradually you can decide whether to print the book after you find a positive response from your readers. Anyone with an eBook can publish at the Kindle by following a few simple steps. However, opting for professional help is suggested for the better returns.

Find and hire a genuine self-publishing agency where the experts can guide you to experience the best self-publishing services you need.

Friday, 27 September 2024

Can Illustrations Elevate the Reading Experience?

 To understand this, let’s begin with understanding what illustrations are, why are they indispensable, whether they are used in fiction or non-fiction books, and whether they are meant only for children’s books?

When you enter the arena of book writing and self-publishing, you are engulfed with so many queries. You have a lot on your plate- with book editing or formatting, book layouts, creating book trailers, an author’s website, marketing your book, etc.

So you may feel that adding illustrations to your book will add to the pile of already too much responsibility. You may think that- it is okay if you DIY; otherwise, it’s too much to look for a good artist, explain what to draw…or go for traditional publishers where you will have no say in how they decide to illustrate your book.

But there are easier yet better ways to do it. Just entrust a self-publishing company such as Maple Publishers, who will look into every aspect of your baby book and the illustrations.

The best thing is that you will have complete control over your book. You’ll be consulted at each step of the book-publishing journey.

Illustrations are visual representations that can be used to complement and enhance the content of a book. They may be in the form of drawings, photographs, diagrams, or any other type of graphic. They convey the message of the text.

Illustrations are an excellent tool to use in both fiction and non-fiction books. In fiction, they can be used to depict characters, scenes, and settings. They add a visual element to the story that helps readers to better immerse themselves in the world created by the author.

In non-fiction, illustrations provide clarity and enhance understanding of complex ideas, making the information more accessible and engaging for readers.

For example, in a cookbook, illustrations can be used to show step-by-step information for recipe. It becomes easier for readers to follow. In a history book, illustrations include maps, timelines, and diagrams. Readers understand the context and events being discussed better.

Illustrations are powerful tools.

Let’s first consider how using illustrations in books could benefit your project.

  • In children’s books, pictures pull them into the story and can help them understand what is going on in the book. Kids can use the illustrations as context clues to help them figure out words they don’t understand. Take the help of children’s book illustrators.
  • Though adult books have fewer pictures, they can help your audience process text more thoroughly. Upon encountering an image on a page, you naturally stop and absorb it. You have a deeper understanding of the book’s content.
  • In the non-fiction genre, with informational books, illustrations can help magnify the written data. When explaining a concept, words might not completely get the point across. So, a diagram, chart, graph, or picture helps. Use illustrations to support details.
  • Adult fiction books can also benefit from images. Pictures help people emotionally connect to the stories. They elevate your book to a work of art. Fantasy books draw huge benefits from a character or scene being illustrated. Because readers will be pulled into the visual accompanying the story.
  • Incorporating illustrations in your book will also draw in readers as they may be captivated by the artistic touch. It elevates the overall quality of the book. They will spend more time on the illustrated pages, soaking in the pictures and using them to complement whatever they read.

As illustrations can capture one’s attention, including them in your book can cause people to pause while flipping through its pages, even if they use the “look inside” feature on Amazon. They will be curious about how the image fits in with the text and will spend that much longer with your book. 

So it is very important that you get your book cover designed and illustrated by experts so that even casual passers-by are tempted to pick up and flip through the book. That’s the reason why expert book cover makers are in high demand.

You can’t depend entirely on illustrations! A visual without explanation can be just as confusing as text with no pictures. So make sure you balance the two in your book. A competent book layout designer can help you here.

The best decision will be to concentrate more on writing than on other aspects of bookmaking. For all other aspects of bookmaking, such as book covers, layout, illustrations, editing, formatting, converting to e-book, etc., entrust a professional publisher such as Maple Publishers. They will do everything under the same umbrella, and the total charges will be less.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

How to Write an Ebook & Publish It on Amazon?

 Writing a book requires a good flair for writing, a decent vocabulary stock and above all the confidence to start writing. Amateurs usually find it difficult to figure out where to start. The idea of writing a book and publishing it might be an overwhelming process. Often it becomes challenging for many to share the newly written book in the known circle with the desire to make it popular among more and more readers. However, opting for publishing an eBook instead, by availing of the Amazon publishing services from a reputed studio like White Magic Studios, budding authors can establish their careers as a prolific writer in the upcoming days.

Amazon being one of the largest publishers of eBooks provides the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform where anyone can post their manuscript after getting it converted into a digital copy with the help of an ebook converter expert.

Fulfil your dream of becoming a published author by writing an eBook. Try your luck by using a few simple steps by Amazon to publish your eBook on KDP.

Here are some simple steps to write an eBook—

Decide on what you want to write

 First of all, you need to decide what you would like to write about. If you have a wonderful plot in mind, then you can try writing fiction even in ten to twenty pages. The freshness of content will drive interested readers to take a dip into your eBook on Amazon along with other online platforms you choose to sell the book.

Try your hands in writing for children. By collaborating with a childrens book illustrator, you can create a masterpiece. Offer free samples to readers. If they like the free pages, they would like to go forward to buy the eBook and even a paperback for their children.

Use as a marketing tool

Ebooks are excellent marketing tools. From writing a user manual eBook for new software or a machine to that of a home appliance- authors use this process to get more access to their future customers. Write about different steps of operating the software or the machines to provide 100% help to users.

Likewise, you can also promote your existing books with your eBooks by informing people about various important topics such as lifestyle, arts, architecture, mental health, and so on.

Passive income by storytelling 

To improve your writing skills, starting your journey as an eBook writer can be an excellent step. Start slowly and gradually, you can find yourself in a good position when you would like to publish printed copies, and then along with the help of a reliable self-publishing studio such as the White Magic Studios, publish printed copies of your books. Until then take eBook writing as an excellent way of your passive income. You can inspire many of your peers to become eBook writers sharing their thoughts and takes on different activities in life.

Start slowly- start with a twenty-page story or synopsis 

As already mentioned before, you don’t have to start with an enormous plot. Instead, start writing smaller paragraphs in lucid language. Amazon asks for a few rules to follow while publishing their eBooks. Therefore, by following the instructions of Amazon KDP and together with a reputed self-publishing agency, you can successfully publish an eBook. Later on, follow a few simple marketing tips to promote your eBook to boost sales and help it reach the bestselling category.

How to publish on Amazon KDP? Connect with a self-publishing studio in the first place

A few simple steps are to be followed to successfully publish on Amazon KDP. If you find it tiring to keep approaching the traditional publishers to print your book then on the flip side, follow the footsteps of many prolific writers these days by choosing to self publish book UK by a stellar group of professional experts at an agency.

From ghostwriting to converting the manuscript to eBook- the self-publishing agency can ensure 100% fast Amazon KDP. On finishing the eBook, start finding a reliable self-publishing agency ready to go the extra mile for their clients. Despite publishing the book on Amazon, they can also guide you on how to keep control of your eBooks.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

What Are the Qualities of the Best Book Cover Designers?

 Authors and publishers are always in need of acclaimed book cover designers UK or wherever they belong. If you’re self-publishing a book, you might be searching for a professional book designer to give the perfect portrayal of the storyline or the primary characters on the cover. 

Though publishers as well as writers prefer working with highly experienced cover designers who have already been associated with multiple bestsellers, collaborating with an inexperienced yet creative designer can also bring uniquely better results! You can also do the same while in the quest of finding a book layout designer to design the front, spiral and back designs of the paperbacks, despite designing the cover for the eBook. 

However, focus on some of the top qualities of the best book cover designers before hiring them—

  1. Unique style

Look for a book cover designer with a unique style of portraying the narration on the front cover. As we all know one shouldn’t judge the book by its cover, however, today, most people follow the opposite and purchase the book if the cover lures them! Strange but true!

 Therefore, make sure the designer is capable of serving you with some off-beat designs that you can use as the cover for your next book venture for Kindle direct publishing.

  1. Follow the trend yet stands apart 

The designer should be well-versed with the trends. Readers prefer shopping for eBooks or hard copies if they find the cover trendy. 

  1. Loves the genre 

Appoint a designer from a London-based self-publishing also works as an explainer video agency UK that appreciates the genre. For instance, if you’re a horror writer, you should be a Stephen King fan or a die-hard fan of Stanley Kubrick or similar directors. 

They should stay updated with the latest book cover design trends yet follow a unique design to lure more customers. 

How to Find Talented Book Cover Designers UK?

Do the trending book covers inspire you as a reader and a writer? As an author, who opts for  self publishing on Amazon  and elsewhere, you ...